Choosing 0 as the initial value for everything you want to accomplish
Since it’s a new year, let’s begin creating a new attitude and habit by engaging in daily activities like Tai Chi, meditation, or language learning for, say, 30 days. By keeping track of how long we’ve been doing it, this may be made simpler.
30 days of non-stop Tai chi, yoga, and meditation! Whatever it may be, I’ve been doing my Taoist walk for 30 days straight! We should feel proud of ourselves for sustaining such a high level of productivity, since these are significant accomplishments.
What occurs when the streak is broken? When does the streak stop with a Big 0?
As a result, we could experience discouragement and want to give up. The effectiveness of “Actually training with 0” is far greater than the constancy of a streak.
When we deviate from the plan, when our streak is broken, or when we don’t adhere to our chosen morning routine, many of us experience a “ah, screw it” moment.
Well, I screwed up, so I may as well give up and screw it up even more! It seems as though we don’t care if we lose everything we’ve achieved as a result of one negative encounter.
It’s possible to turn the “Forget It” moment into a “Dust myself off and start anew” moment. Now that we’re talking, adopt the mentality that if you fall, you should get back up and try again.
We would restart if we missed one day.
Whatever our dreams for a successful run may have been, it was time to let them go and go ahead even the least bit.
This is what occurs when you practice starting at 0 in other words.
Practice with 0 is all it takes to get back up on our feet after every fall.
Practicing with 0 just takes a break and determines where we want to go from here when things don’t go as planned. with intent.
When things go according to plan, it’s amazing. The most crucial lesson we can pick up is how to handle failure.
Start over, but this time convince yourself that you will do this every day in order to achieve your objective. Don’t let discouragement get the better of you; I’ve done this a thousand times, and I really mean it.
Once your mind understands this, achieving your goals will be a lot simpler. In order to observe how it affects you, wake up and start doing 10 minutes of LFA Tai Chi every day for 30 days straight.
You’ll undoubtedly feel more energised and at peace within, which will help you feel a lot better.